Brandon Vedder

Drama TV Mini-Series

The true story behind the making of 1972’s oscar winning documentary Marjoe, wherein former child evangelist “Marjoe the Miracle Child, mysteriously returns grown to the bombastic revival movement he helped create, secretly intent on destroying it.

Brandon Vedder. Brandon Vedder is an award-winning filmmaker.  As a documentarian, Brandon has worked with talent ranging from Oscar Nominated Actor Don Cheadle to legendary rock band Pearl Jam. His critically acclaimed body of work has premiered at A-list film festivals and distributed theatrically and digitally throughout the world. Brandon is a alumni of SFFILM residency program and has taught master classes for The Northwest FIlm Forum, been an advisor for a Sundance COLLAB and guest lectured for various colleges including Stanford. His work has been the recipient of grants from organizations like The Redford Center, The Rogovy Foundation, Fork Films, and The Fledgling Fund. Brandon was recently named Stowe Story Lab's Diverse Voices Fellow for his 1hr drama limited series "Miracle Man.”


