April 20, 2023
Stowe Story Labs Statement of Transparency
Stowe Story Labs is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2013 to help emerging screenwriters and filmmakers develop skills and projects, with the ultimate goal of helping get work made and seen. We admit participants based upon a two part application process. The core element is an application asking the applicant to talk about themselves, the work they are presenting to us, and what is motivating them to want to tell the particular story they are putting forward. The other important consideration is a draft script (or in some cases treatment, story, or source material). Discussed more below, our application process looks for applicants demonstrating an ability to do the work and a good story idea. It evolves each year, and is a core element of what we do.
This note is to help applicants understand the process and understand a bit about who we are. Feel free to reach out with questions to info@stowestorylabs.org.
Demographics of our Script Reading Team:
In most cases, each script gets two reads from a pool of dedicated, trained readers.
In 2023 are readers were:
Women: 83%
Men: 14%
Transgender: 3%
Nonbinary: N/A
White: 73%
Black or African American: 12%
Hispanic or Latino/a: 6%
Asian: 9%
20-30: 14%
31-59: 78%
60+: 8%
Disability: 3%
Veteran Status: N/A
We do not collect data on our readers’ income, level of education, type/duration of industry experience, or religious affiliation, but anecdotally in these categories our readers are all over the board. Ninety-seven percent of our readers are alumni of our programs, and all readers go through the admission and orientation process described below.
We pay a stipend for script reads, which many readers donate back to us.
Qualifications and Script Review Process
As per above, most readers come from our alumni pool. All readers demonstrate knowledge and experience in reviewing scripts and in the film and television industry.
Before joining us, readers must apply. The application process includes an interview, providing coverage on a script that has already been covered by our team, and, before being fully admitted, readers go through training on our application review process and a diversity and inclusion training (also administered by an alum of our programs).
If admitted, readers complete training on our application review platform, expectations and processes for script reviews, and the diversity and inclusion training, which specifically discusses reviewing scripts with ethnic subject matters, characters, and/or character descriptors in scripts. Finally, readers get feedback throughout the admission process on their scoring, review sheets, timing of reviews, etc.
Script Review Process
Nearly every script receives two blind reviews. Exceptions to this are applicants from our alumni pool, who may receive only one read, and for treatments and other materials not in script form. These submissions might receive only one read.
We expect reviewers to cover 4 or 5 writing samples per week. We expect a minimum of 15 reads per 2-3 month cycle. In rare circumstances, given readers schedules and work loads, we may reduce these expectations.
In the first stage of the review process, our script reviewers do blind reads. We assign each submission two blind reads.
Readers must read the full script.
The advanced internal review team, made up of about 5 staff members, reviews the application, two script reviews and notes, and may read part or all of the writing samples submitted.
Scripts with widely varying review scores get a third read. In addition, any member of the advanced team can ask for a third read on any script (or read it themselves).
Based on the application reviews and script reads, and following specific guidelines for our reviewers, successful applications are then considered for (1) specific fellowships, (2) partial scholarships (based on need and merit), or (3) fee slots. Applicants who advance have shown us a good story idea, demonstrated the capacity (and willingness) to do the work to develop the project, and a collaborative nature and quest to learn. We do not base this evaluation on industry experience or credentials, but do not ignore either.
Fellowship Partners
For applicants selected for fellowship consideration, our internal team will review the pool to consider for a fellowship and make a decision to advance a smaller pool of semifinalists. At this point, some fellowship partners choose to manage their own review process to determine which applicants advance to the finalist round. In most cases, the Stowe team makes the selections for the finalist rounds.
In 2023, the fellowship partners for the Bellem Entertainment, Film Fatales, Law Firm of Stacey A. Davis, Maven Screen Media, Nyx Horror Collective, SAGindie, Sidewalk Film Festival, Studio SKYFIRE, and Tangerine fellowships made the final selection and in some cases also awarded an honorable mention.
All other fellowship decisions were made by the Stowe Story Labs team.
Each year we make adjustments to this process in consultation with our fellowship partners.
Philosophy on Applications
We run several different application processes for Stowe programs. Our main application process starts in the fall and runs into winter. This process is for our narrative labs, retreats, fellowships, and partial scholarships. We also run application processes for specific programs throughout the year.
We strive to have about 500 applications each year for all programs, but that number varies, typically from between 400 and 600.
We run our application process this way so we ensure we have the capacity to conduct meaningful and specific reviews on each applicant.
We do not admit based solely on the ‘best’ script, but are willing to admit people even when still developing basic skills and experience. Our aim is to both help top emerging talents develop skills and projects and to break down barriers to entry in this complex industry, which means taking a chance on less advanced applicants.
The criteria for admission are a good story idea and a strong early draft (with the caveat above), a strong applicant measured against life experience, motivation to tell this story, background and bio, and a demonstrable collaborative nature and demonstrable capacity to do the work required to advance in this complex art/industry.
Alumni are allowed to register for some programs without applying. They only need to apply if they seek fellowships or partial scholarships.
We announce any changes to our application process before we open the general application season each fall.
Depending on how many (and what kind) of programs we run each year, we admit approximately 100 - 150 new artists to programs each year. The remaining participants come from our alumni network. We work with about 200 artists a year in group programs.
Number of submissions advancing to each round:
32% of applicants advanced to the fellowship semifinals
15% of applicants advanced to the fellowship finals
4% of applicants won a fellowship or an honorable mention
25% of the applicants attended a Lab or Retreat in 2021
54% of applicants advanced to the fellowship semifinals
25% of applicants advanced to the fellowship finals
6% of applicants won a fellowship or an honorable mention
38% of the applicants attended a Lab or Retreat in 2022
2023 Data will be uploaded by August 15, 2023
TK of applicants advanced to the fellowship semifinals
TK of applicants advanced to the fellowship finals
TK of applicants won a fellowship or an honorable mention
TK of the applicants attended a Lab or Retreat in 2021
Women: 68%
Men: 32%
Transgender: 0%
Nonbinary: 0%
White: 63%
Black or African American: 11%
Asian: 21%
Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Native: 5%
20-30: 16%
31-49: 68%
50 +: 16%
Disability: N/A
Veteran Status: N/A
Women: 69%
Men: 31%
Transgender: N/A
Nonbinary: N/A
White: 63%
Black or African American: 25%
Asian: 6%
Native American or Alaskan Native: 6%
20-30: 13%
31-49: 69%
50 +: 18%
Disability: 6%
Veteran Status: N/A
Women: 67%
Men: 27%
Transgender: 6%
Nonbinary: 0%
White: 27%
Black or African American: 33%
Asian: 27%
Hispanic or Latino/a: 13%
20-30: 13%
31-49: 74%
50 +: 13%
Disability: N/A
Veteran Status: N/A
Our goal in our work is to bend the world a bit through story. We do this by breaking down barriers to entry in this complex industry, and giving a leg up to people who might not otherwise find a way forward. We strive to be diverse, and measure diversity on many metrics (most captured above). A central focus is on the opportunity gap in society, where those without wealth and advantage find it very hard to create in a world where the decks are stacked.
As we are predominantly fee-based, it is harder for us to push some of the most deserving applicants forward, although we do as much as we can in that regard, and are constantly working to do more.
One of the ways we do that is to work to attract sponsors, grantors, and donors to take pressure off fees. At the same time we are doing that, we are working to maintain adequate staff to do the work required to serve our clients and programs, and to pay a living wage.
With all that said, if you find what we are working to do interesting and valuable and feel you can help (by considering a grant, a donation, or sponsorship), please reach out anytime by writing to info@stowestorylabs.org.